Thursday, September 3, 2009

Vintage Western Photo Shoot - Prosper, TX Children's Photographer

I met Sam and his mom for breakfast before our shoot and I couldn't stop laughing listening to his yee-hawing and over the top southern accent (he's definitely NOT from the south). LOL Needless to say, I had a pretty good feeling that this was going to be a fun shoot!!

This was my first visit to Heritage Farmstead in Plano, and I'm putting it at the top of my list of locations to recommend to clients. Thanks Nikki...hope you enjoyed your sneak peek!

Finally...some sugar and spice!!! - Prosper, TX Child Children's Photographer

So I was a bit nervous about my first little girl shoot since I'm so used to chasing around little boys...but give me a beautiful location and a gorgeous little girl with lots of fun energy...and it became (as my boys would say) eeeeasy peeeeasy.

Those's no wonder my own little boys are so enamored with her.

And this little guy made his debut a bit early but is healthy and thriving...I'm betting all the love from big sis helped to make that happen!